Chief Executive Development

Winsborough have more than 20 years’ experience in the selection, assessment and development of Chief Executives (CE) in New Zealand and beyond. Winsborough have the experience, expertise and tools to help you understand what makes a CE successful and support them in boosting their development. Winsborough understand this role is unique in its complexity, isolation and demand. It must be considered in the context of the sector, system, organisation and team.


Click the images below to learn more about Chief Executive Focus and Chief Executive Develop products.

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If you are a Chief Executive, or an aspiring Chief Executive who wants to develop, or a Board member who wants to develop a potential Chief Executive, we have two solutions that can provide you with an independent perspective to help you understand key strengths, challenges and opportunities:

1. The Chief Executive Develop Solution provides a comprehensive insight into CE reputation and development opportunities, obtained via stakeholder interviews.
2. The Chief Executive Focus Solution uses an executive level online 360 assessment tool to provide focussed feedback on Chief Executive reputation and development opportunities.