Leadership success tips

Creating clarity amidst the fog.


Author: Brendan Lynch

It’s foggy in Wellington, New Zealand as I write this morning.

At times, some leaders may feel like they are navigating in fog. Here are some tips that might enable your fog lights to cut through and highlight a path forward.


Seek clarity within the complexity

Make it simple. This doesn’t mean make it simplistic, this means invest in the thinking time to be able to identify the critical areas of focus for your team amidst the white noise of complexity. Once you have identified them, articulate them in a manner that is relevant, meaningful and crystal clear for those you lead. Don’t stop here, take a little extra time and check what your team have heard. Great intent is often lost in the murk of misunderstanding and assumptions.

Connect people with the work

Make it compelling. What is the why behind the work? What is the value that this work is adding? What is the impact the work will achieve? E.g.

  • How is it making people’s lives better?
  • How is it adding to organisational effectiveness?
  • How is it making the economy more robust?

Think about what matters for your people and provide them with the line of sight to the difference they are making.

Turning insight into action

Make it actionable. What is it that we are going to do?

Establish role clarity within the team. Establish clear expectations. Who is accountable for the outcomes? Makes things explicit and check for alignment of understanding with individuals and across the team.

As the leader your job is to create the environment to enable people to be able to achieve and be successful. What resources do they need, what support do they need, what barriers need removing.

The cloud outside is still embracing the hills, however I can see a shaft of sun shining on the valley opposite.

Image credit: Unsplash.com (Denise Jans)

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