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Why leaders should invest in 360º Feedback

Written by Dave Winsborough | Jun 7, '23

Investing in 360º feedback for your staff is a smart and strategic way to drive performance, engagement, and growth at all levels of your organisation.


360-degree feedback is invaluable for leaders to gain clarity on their strengths and areas of improvement.

What is 360-degree feedback?

360-degree feedback gathers observations and evaluations on key leadership behaviours from a variety of relationship partners, including a person’s manager, peers, team members, and customers. 360s provide a more well-rounded view of a leader's performance than traditional top-down performance evaluations.

Leaders like to know where they stand

Winsborough offers leaders the opportunity to benchmark their performance. Our reports compare leaders to a norm group of nearly 6,000 leaders, including feedback from over 26,000 individuals. This provides leaders with a powerful benchmark against which to measure their leadership effectiveness. Winsborough’s leadership benchmark enables leaders to gain a deeper understanding of their strengths, weaknesses, and blind spots; to identify areas for improvement that they may not have otherwise recognised.

Leverage the power of our Leadership 360 reports to help your leaders drive real results and reach their full potential.

Why is 360-degree feedback valuable?

By gathering feedback from multiple sources, leaders gain a more comprehensive and objective view of their performance, and can pinpoint areas to focus on for growth and development. The benefits of 360-feedback include increased self-awareness, better alignment with organisational goals, improved communication, and enhanced leadership development.

360 feedback also provides leaders with a clear picture of "how they show up as a leader," which is essential for success. This awareness is particularly important, as it allows leaders to understand any discrepancies between how they perceive themselves and how others perceive them. As Sheryl Sandberg, a prominent technology executive, philanthropist, and author, has said:

"We cannot change what we are not aware of, and once we are aware, we cannot help but change."

By leveraging the insights gained through 360-feedback, leaders can develop more effective strategies, improve relationships with team members, and drive real progress towards achieving organisational goals. 360’s remain an essential tool for organisations committed to developing exceptional leaders.

The 360-feedback process

A successful 360 process requires a planned approach which includes the following considerations:

  • deciding who to involve - to provide feedback,
  • using a relevant, reliable and valid survey,
  • engaging with those involved - so that they can add real value,
  • administering the process,
  • maintaining confidentiality, and
  • ensuring a constructive developmental focus and outcome.

At Winsborough, we understand the importance of facilitating a feedback process that is both sensitive and effective. Our experienced consultants are trained to provide a supportive and coaching-based approach, helping individuals recognise potential development opportunities and understand the feedback given. Through this approach, individuals are more enabled to hear and accept the feedback, and motivated to take developmental action.

Our commitment to confidentiality ensures that the feedback process remains a safe and supportive experience for everyone involved. With a focus on building self-awareness and driving personal growth, our consultants guide individuals through the 360-feedback process, empowering them to become more effective leaders and achieve their full potential.

Challenges of 360-feedback

While 360-feedback can be incredibly useful, there are also some challenges that can arise if the process is not well managed. These may include concerns over confidentiality, resistance to feedback, use and interpretation of results. It is important to address these challenges proactively, and to provide relevant support and guidance throughout the process.


In conclusion, 360-feedback is a powerful lever for leadership development that provides a comprehensive and objective view of a leader's performance.

Benefits from a 360-feedback include:

  • increased self-awareness,
  • better alignment with organisational goals,
  • improved communication, and
  • enhanced leadership development.

Concerns over confidentiality, resistance and interpretation of results can be appropriately managed through a structured and engaging approach, using a robust and evidence based survey, and facilitating constructive feedback discussions.

At Winsborough, our experienced consultants are committed to providing a sensitive and effective feedback process that guides individuals towards becoming more effective leaders and achieving their full potential.

If you are interested in implementing a 360-feedback program in your organisation, reach out to one of Winsborough’s’ qualified leadership development consultants, who can guide you through the process.


Need more information? Contact the Winsborough Team:
winsborough.co.nz | 0800 222 061 | support@winsborough.co.nz